Hi texas,
Your understanding of Causality is fairly strong - and that's good, since you'll likely see that logic appear on at least a few CR questions on Test Day. If your knowledge of the other major CR logic 'patterns' is as solid, then that's not the real 'issue' with why you're getting CR questions wrong.
1) When was the last time you took a FULL-LENGTH CAT (with the Essay and IR sections)? And how did you score?
2) How was your performance on CR?
GMAT assassins aren't born, they're made,
I took another GMAT prep recently, it was another 680. Q50 V33. The Critical Reasoning was 40th percentile. I believe I understand the strategies. However sometimes I do not apply them properly because I do not understand some of the answer choices so I am naturally biased against those choices. I then spend lots of time trying to rationalise one of the other choices even though deep down something tells me it is wrong. When I check the answer afterwards I realise that the answer choice I did not fully understand was the correct answer. This generally happens on topics I am not an expert in such as this one on sea otters:
https://www.google.com.au/search?q=in+t ... e&ie=UTF-8I knew in my pre-thinking I was looking for an answer that weakens the causality that disease was the cause of the decline by either showing that killer whales could have caused the decline or by showing why the disease explanation was not plausible. But when faced with part A, I just didn't know why it was relevant so just brushed it off. I then found out all the other answers were wrong and my mind continuing to block out A, rationalised one of the other answers even though I knew deep down it was wrong.
The funny thing is I do sometimes get really tricky questions correct on topics I love- economics, business, humanities, etc. But when faced with a topic I know nothing about my mind completely blanks. don't know if this is a mental deficit of mine but I just don't know if I can change who I am. It pains me to say it because this implies theres no way I can improve CR....
The other problem I have is coming up with assumptions. Failing to arrive at the assumption is a common reason why I fail at difficult questions. Again if it is in a related field, I can arrive at the assumption but if not my brain tunes out completely, meaning I just go straight to the answer choices.