So here it goes...
Yesterday, I took the GMAT. I was aiming for a 700. I walked out with a 670. But as is the case with life, nothing is ever easy. I took the test in New York and yesterday the temperature was in the 20's and we got about 8 inches of snow. Why am I telling you this? Because the center I where I took the test had no heat. I took the test wearing gloves and a hat, taking the gloves off intermittenly during math problems. In between the math and verbal, I went outside and the staff at the center gave me hot water to drink to warm me up. Needless to say, it was freezing.
So, when i went to sign out, the head of the tesing center showed me a letter he was drafting to ETS claiming a hardship for all the people that were in the center that day and asking that we all be able to cancel our scores. Here in lies the problem. I have a few options- I have not talked to ETS yet, but this is what I have been told:
1. I can cancel the test and see if they will let me retake it right away. I do NOT want to wait a month not only becasue i really am sick od syudying, but also because i was trying to get my apps in to schools in the next three weeks. So i want to see if they will let me retake it this week. I am pretty confident that I can do better then what I did- but, of course, I run the risk of doing the same or even worse.
2. I can take my 670 and they will accompany it with a letter of hardship to schools. I have no clue whether they will just huck this in the garbage or actually take it into consideration. Also, does it really matter if I have a a 670 or a 700? Will that really change whether I can get into the school of my choice? I am applying to top 10 schools, but I have really good work exp. for over 4 years and graduated with a solid GPA from one of the top ranked colleges in the US.
SO CONFUSED!!?? please help..also, the reason why i think my environment def. affected me is that my slpit was 43M and 38V. I have NEVER scored lower in verbal than math. I have also always been able to finish verbal and i left 5 questions blank. My mind was litaralu numb by the end. CR, which is uaually so easy for me, was taking me forever to do. i had to reread everything 5 or 6 times.
what is the best course of action??