Hi Nitin
You could think about focusing on your 'core' this month - by 'core' I mean your foundation, your basics - of both Quant and Verbal. Since you have some time this month, build as much of your core as possible. Once you are into the job, you could still cover the remaining basics, and then focus on GMAT specifically. This seems feasible since you have time with you (end of year or mid next year).
Now, how to build your basics - you can start with
MGMAT foundation for Quant. I strongly recommend you purchase 'RS Aggarwal Quantitative Aptitude' book (which is generally purchased for Bank/SSC exams here in India, and does an excellent job of explaining basics plus plethora of questions to practice) and start going through it topic by topic.
For Verbal, you might focus on two specific things for the next 2 months or so:
1) Read, Read and Read - a daily dose of good newspaper (Hindu, if you stay in India) or Financial Times (if thats your taste). If fiction is your taste, you can look for a few good suggestions from this classic post by BB:
https://gmatclub.com/forum/books-to-rea ... ml#p572735Its very important for you to build reading habit, but only read good, grammatically correct stuff.
2) Grammar - Wren and Martin is one classic book that we in India have been swearing by for ages. Go topic by topic, solve all exercises.
My suggestion is that you do these few 'core' specific things for next 2 months - and then re-evaluate and re-look at yourself as a GMAT aspirant.