Is the positive square root of \(x\) an integer?
(1) \(x = 81\)
(2) \(x = n^2\) and \(n\) is an integer.
My doubt is if \("n"\) were a negative integer, would \("x"\) have a positive square root?
Yes, it would. Technically, every positive number has *two* square roots, one of which is positive, and one of which is negative. So the number 9, for example, has two square roots, 3 and -3, because 3^2 = 9, and (-3)^2 = 9. In this question, using Statement 2, even if n = -3, then n^2 would be 9. Since that means x = 9, the positive square root of x would be 3.
I say 'technically' in the above, because in practice, you don't normally need to understand this technicality. Most often when you see square roots on the GMAT, you will see the notation \(\sqrt{x}\). By definition, the square root symbol \(\sqrt{x}\) always *means* the non-negative square root of x only (I say 'non-negative' instead of 'positive', because the answer can be 0). So if you see \(\sqrt{9}\), that is equal only to 3, and never to -3.