Hi noorfz147,
Test Day is a rather specific 'event' - the details are specific and they matter, so you have to train as best as you can for all of them. The more realistic you can make your CATs, the more likely the score results are to be accurate. The more you deviate, the more "inflated" your scores can become - and that's what happened here. By retaking a CAT that you had already taken - and seeing 'repeat' questions - you ended up with an unrealistic score result. Considering your score goal, and the fact that we don't have a clear sense of your actual ability level right now, you should plan to push back your Test Date. You will likely need at least another 1-2 months of consistent, guided study to score 600+.
Before I can offer you the specific advice that you’re looking for, it would help if you could provide a bit more information on how you've been studying and your goals:
1) How long have you studied?
2) What materials have you used?
3) What is your exact goal score?
4) When are you planning to apply to Business School?
5) What Schools are you planning to apply to?
GMAT assassins aren't born, they're made,
Thanks for the detailed reply.
I decided to keep the scheduled exam for next Mon. I downloaded the old Gmat Prep software, and made the 1st exam, this time with 4 Qs repeated in quant, and all new ones in verbal. Scored 530 Q 47 V 19.
I've been studying for almost 3 months with examPAL, but not intense.
I would like to apply to an MBA program on 3rd round, but it depends on my gmat score.
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