1. The main purpose of the passage is to(A) define the Harlem Renaissance as a distinct period in Afro-American culture and Ameri- can culture as a whole -
The american culture was not defined in the passage(B) demonstrate that the Harlem Renaissance included more varied points of view than scholars generally assume -
it doesnt include Zora neale Hurston's contribution.(C) dispute the accepted estimation of Zora Neale Hurston's contribution to Afro-American culture -
It was not entirely about disputing the contribution. It did start with that but later on it moved on to becoming much more about the Harlem resistance and then ZNH.(D) acknowledge the conflicts and contradictions that were a distinct part of the cultural life of the Harlem Renaissance -
It doesnt include ZNH.(E) place Zora Neale Hurston within a historical and intellectual context -
This is broad enough to include the historical and cultural context in the passage. So, thats why correct.2. It can be inferred from the passage that the author would regard which of the following as characteristic of a movement but not of a spirit?Author said that
"The Harlem Renais-[/list]
(5) sance was a spirit more than a movement, and
because a spirit is ephemeral, generalizations about
the Harlem Renaissance and its writers are either
too hard or too easy."
Something that is not easy to pin down is spirit and movement is just opposite of spirit so movement is something which can be easily stated. Therefore, answer choice E.(A) Individual statements of purpose
(B) Conflicts between rivals
(C) The cultivation of notoriety
(D) The development of new ideas
(E) An explicit ideology -
Correct3. The author suggests that which of the following is an overlooked yet significant aspect of the Harlem Renaissance?Author stated that
"They have come easily
enough to a whole generation of critics, but their(10) pithy summaries seldom reflect the wide divisions
between Blacks and Whites, the Black intelligentsia
and Black workers, Black writers and their middle-
class audience, that marked the era."
So, the overlooked fact is the relationship between the Black writers and their middle class audience. So, D is correct.
(A) The similarity of the works produced by Black writers during the Harlem Renaissance
(B) The perceptions of the central figures of the Harlem Renaissance as recorded in autobi- ographies and letter.
(C) The interdisciplinary nature of Hurston's work
(D) The nature of the relationship between Black artists and their audiences -
Correct.(E) The effect of Roosevelt's policies on artists and writers
4. Which of the following facts, mentioned in the passage, supports the author's statement that the Harlem Renaissance was "an identifiable moment in American intellectual history" in the highlighted text?By identifiable means that we are able to pinpoint exactly what was the outcome and in this case, the outcome was that the number of published work increased.(A) During this period, scholars who had previously been unaware of Black literary tradition began to assess that tradition.
(B) Widespread social reform took place during this period.
(C) During this period, Black people acted upon common concerns for the first time in the twentieth century.
(D) The number of published works by Black writers increased dramatically during this period. -
Correct.(E) The armistice ending the First World War began a period of increased prosperity for Americans.
5. According to the passage, Hurston's attitude toward literary movements in general wasAuthor stated that "
Although she was independent and
scornful of literary movements"
(A) bemused
(B) ambivalent
(C) indifferent
(D) disdainful -
Correct as noted in the above passage(E) belligerent
6. The author implies that Hurston's account of her role in the Harlem Renaissance is(A) embellished
(B) unenlightening -
true as she didnt mention more than two para in her autobiography(C) comic
(D) sardonic
(E) sentimental
7. It can be inferred from the passage that accounts of Hurston given by her contemporaries emphasized which of the following?(A) Her work as an anthropologist
(B) Her independence from political movements
(C) Her humor -
Correct(D) Her friendliness
(E) Her contributions to aesthetic theory
8. On which of the following grounds does the author dismiss previous critical work on the Harlem Renaissance?Author stated here
"There has been a wide-
spread tendency to regard the Harlem Renaissance
as a monolithic cultural movement, capable of
reduction to one orthodoxy or another or to a set
of characteristic principles. This presumption(30) [list]reflects the bias in most American scholarship that
postulates Black people as a united entity and then
poses theories ignoring individuation of thought
and feeling."(A) It is based on a faulty assumption about the homogeneity of Black experience. -
Correct(B) It has failed to acknowledge the work of the most talented writers of the Harlem Renaissance.
(C) It has failed to explain the consequences of the Harlem Renaissance for Black life.
(D) It has taken a sociological and historical approach rather than an aesthetic one.
(E) It has concentrated on the personalities of the writers of the Harlem Renaissance rather than on their work.
9. Which of the following statements is best supported by information in the passage?Author stated here "
Black writers and their middle-
class audience, that marked the era." (A) Black workers were not the primary audience for works produced by Black writers during the Harlem Renaissance. -
Correct (B) The number of works produced by Black writers has continued to increase annually since 1919.
(C) Langston Hughes created an unintentionally misleading portrait of Zora Neale Hurston in The Big Sea.
(D) Zora Neale Hurston is better known for her anthropological work than for her literary work.
(E) There was almost no market for works produced by Black writers during the Harlem Renaissance.