Hi there! See a few thoughts below. Difficult to advise on specific essay topics without knowing your full background, and this is something we often spend several hours on with clients. You may also want to check out our free personal statement guide (
https://shop.mbamission.com/products/pe ... ment-guide) for tips, especially on essay 1.
Good luck!
I am in the process of putting my application package together for LBS Sloan Masters in Leadership and Strategy MSC Program. Below are the essay topics.
Nice your suggestion / strategy on below essay topics.
1. How will the Sloan Leadership and Strategy degree enhance your immediate and ultimate professional and personal objectives
You will need to explain your career goals in this essay (both short term and long term), along with some brief context about why those goals make sense for you. And then you should include lots of specifics about the Sloan degree and resources you will take advantage of to achieve those goals. You need to have researched the school thoroughly to be able to answer this question.
2. Describe the hardest professional decision you have made and its impact on the situation, any teams involved and on yourself
Pick a specific situation that does not repeat something elsewhere in your application or CV. Try using the STAR format to structure your response (Situation, Task, Action, Result).
3. Drawing on your experience in your function and/or sector please give your opinion on question (a) or b) (300 words)
a) Will increasing regulation really mitigate risk? Do you think that this is desirable?
b) What do you see as the key issues for the next 5 years in your sector and/or region?
Either question is fine to answer, and in both cases, I don't believe there is a right answer. What matters is that you state an opinion and back it up. Try to use this to reveal something new about you or your experience too.
4. Optional Statement: What question would you most like to be asked, and why? (200 words max)
You don't have to answer this, but seems like a great opportunity to reveal something new / interesting about yourself! Doesn't necessarily have to be professional related. Could be something involving your interests outside of work or what makes you unique, etc.
Thank You