braziliantechguy, I am not a consultant at all but want to share some thoughts.
You have a VERY strong GMAT score which shows that academically you are ready to sail through the MBA curriculum. Also, your GPA is not low at all. Conversion of non-USA grades into US is not that straightforward and I would not stress out a lot about having 76/100 in Brazilian system. I am coming from a country which uses a 10 point system, and any score >7 is a pretty good score. Also, I bet somewhere in the application there is an optional section in which you can explain your undergrad grades. So... I think you are overthinking.
Here is where your argument is flawed [you got V40, so be careful about making bold claims
When I was at the e-commerce tech company I saw people of my level going to top 5 business schools so I don't think my professional background would be a roadblock.
The fact that your colleagues got accepted into top-5 MBA program does not guarantee that you will get accepted. How do your experience and contributions compare to those of the colleagues that got admits?
Also, the rest of the application matters quite a bit. Essays, resume (which shows your impacts and leadership), and references will complete the profile. Think about whether you have a well rounded package to present to ad com people.
Good luck!