Hi Everyone,
I just finished my first attempt at the GMAT and did well by all means, but scored below my goal. Unfortunately, I have to take the next couple of weeks off of GMAT studying to pivot to studying for exams for my job I will start in July.
I am wondering if anyone can provide insight into how I can continue to stay sharp in terms of the GMAT while I am studying for the other exams.
I scored well on Quant, but struggled on verbal and panicked considerably during RC and CR questions - I scored a V39 :/
I plan on just doing a set or two of hard quant problems, some RC passages and a few CR questions during my free time. However, I’d appreciate any advice that anyone else has so that I can bump my score up the extra 20 points that I really want.
Posted from my mobile device
Hi groovy23,
Let me tell you that the improvement to V40+ is all about identifying the core pain points not only from a conceptual standpoint but also from a methodical standpoint. Let me elaborate.
You're probably doing decently well on the easy and medium questions but when it comes to hard questions the issues start surfacing. What it means is that the methods that you might be using are not efficient. There is a need to improve the methodology and focus on logic. Using the right methodologies and strategies to approach the Verbal questions should ideally help you to avoid the traps set by the test makers. If you do so, it is possible to improve your score to V40+ and push your overall score as well.
The right methods for SC is meaning based approach (not splits), CR is framework driven pre-thinking and RC is involving yourself in understand why the various parts of the passage is written and not just what is written.
In short, if you work slowly on your approach and focus on learning from each question you should see a significant improvement in your score.
If you are struggling with some specific topics, you may share the same for better understanding and I can help you out with your worries.
Having said this, I would like to know what is the approach you followed during the test along with a few other things (including your exact pain points) so that I can suggest you a more structured plan and help you with advanced strategies as you would not have much time to spare now. It would be great if we have your ESR available at the time of discussion. If you wish to discuss this over a call, you can schedule a free consultation call using the below link. Considering the effort, you have put, I would really like to know the concerns and help you improve your score.