First of all, thanks to everyone for their thoughts on this. I very much appreciate it.
To answer your questions:
1. Start/way of studying: I started studying very slowly around end of September. At the beginning I took the Diagnostic test reviewed it and read the explanations to the question types as well as the math and verbal review (spread over a couple of days). Since I have work during the week I just answered a few questions each or the other day. Something like 10 PS questions, 8 DS questions, and 5 RC questions. The next day 10 SC questions, 6 CR Questions, very inconsistently and randomly.
2. Study materials: I studied only with
the official guide for the most part. I solved the questions sometimes timed sometimes not. Turned out I could do them in time when I solved 5 or 10 at a time. I spent more over time the more questions I tried to solve in one session.
3. Practice Tests: I took the two free GMATprep practice tests.
- Score 540 Q34 V30 Guessing the last 7-10 questions of each section
- Score 580 Q41 V28 Still guessing the last 7-10 questions
I think the first trial came closest to the real thing because I did the AWA as well as IR. The second trial I skipped the AWA since it was the same issue and did the IR, which had the same questions it had the first time + one I didn't get to the first time. In the quant and verbal section some of the questions repeated.
4. When do I plan to retake GMAT: I think my last chance to retake the exam will be in the beginning of march or some other time in march. That depends on if the school wants the official report with my application or if the unofficial report is enough at that point.
5. Schools and deadlines:
University of California San Diego: Deadline is April 1st <-- my favorite so far
University of California Irvine: Deadline is May 1st
University of LA (If I somehow should score 700+): Deadline March 31st
University of San Francisco: Deadline May 15 but not entirely sure
I'm aiming for a masters of finance Degree. If someone has ideas what schools I should consider in addition feel free to bring it up(I know this is not the issue in this post so no need really)