Good news!
I'm going to graduate school in the Fall but I'm here because I'm struggling a bit and need some extra input or thoughts from someone else to help me as I think about making the choice.
Here is some background info.
I have a BS in Psychology and last year I applied for MBA programs. While doing tours I quickly realized that what I needed was to be a career changer. I want to go into investment banking and analyze companies/equities and I felt that pairing an MBA that may not be STEM with a Psych degree was not going to make me very competitive.
So, I delayed admission and applied again.
I have been admitted to these programs
University of Nebraska-Lincoln MBA
Colorado State University Ft Collins MBA
University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee MS Finance
University of Cincinnati Carl Lindner MS Finance 1 year
Wait list
I like all the programs but my focus this year was admission to something more focused that I could reference to for employment in investment banking. CSU and UN-L have curriculum that can focus on finance but I don't believe that they would have the same weight as a Finance degree.
t Milwaukee is a 2 year program and Cincinnati is a 1 year program. Grad school will be tough either way but I would like to hear some input on all of these if possible. Am I dismissing UN-L and CSU too early??