AnthonyRitz VeritasPrepBrian VeritasPrepRon VeritasPrepHailey VeritasPrepErika VeritasPrepBrandon quixx23 AaronPondDear
DmitryFarber ccooley KyleWiddison rjacobsMGMAT MarkSullivanDear
IanStewart GMATGuruNYThere is INCONSISTENCY between the two SC books.
According to Veritas SC P.58 Skillbuilder section,
In addition to making sure you avoid illogical, noun-to-noun comparisons, you must also make sure to avoid action to noun comparisons.
Incorrect: Software X crashes more often than Software J.
In this sentence you are comparing the action of Software X crashing with Software J itself.
However, according to
MGMAT SC P. 99 Chapter 6 Comparisons. Verb can be omitted.
Right: I walk faster than Brian [walks].
I'm not sure what's wrong with
Software X crashes more often than Software J because "crashes" is understood after "Software J". So, it can be omitted?
Could you share me some thoughts?
Thank you all in advance!