Hi slich40,
The two 8-minute breaks are remarkably valuable, so you shouldn't ever skip them. Skipping that first break, along with having to guess on (however many) Quant questions AND finishing the Verbal section early - combined with the other details you've already described, can absolutely explain your score drop. There are too many factors, many of which were based on decisions that you made while on too much medication, that impacted your performance. Thankfully, all of this can be properly dealt with, but we really have to make sure that you don't allow any of this to happen again.
I suggest that you wait to take that next CAT until Saturday, and take it under similar conditions to what you faced on Test Day (take the FULL CAT, away from your home, at 8am, etc.). Once you have that score, you should report back here.
GMAT assassins aren't born, they're made,