Hi there!
You have a really interesting profile, lots of great things. Your GMAT is great, your GPA is a little low but upward trend and the fact that you studied engineering helps, so this should not be a huge issue.
Your language skills are impressive!
Curious to know more about your startup...growth, size, scale, key successes, etc. but that sounds really interesting.
I think you've got a great shot at USC. In fact, I would consider giving a couple other higher ranked schools a shot too...maybe UCLA also if that area is attractive to you?
Good luck!
Im an argentinian entrepreneur (half italian actually), 24 yo
GMAT 730
GPA 7 / 10 in Industrial Engineering at a private univ. ( Uphill trend )
Represented my university in the Argentinian association of IE students while in college.
Freely gave classes of Physics, Electromagnetism, Fluid Mechanics and Thermodynamics to my peers.
Taught Guitar for 2 years.
Speak Spanish, English, Italian and Japanese (written and spoken), all of them fluently.
Launched a startup just for fun 3 years ago, edtech sector. Its my FT job now. (Im the CEO and founder)
Zen Buddhist who also practices sintoism (helped me found myself when I was lost, my essay will be quite interesting).
I'm aiming at USC's Marshall School of Business.
Edit: Insight on Argentine GPA, just in case.
Pass with 4/10, 4 = 60%. In english system, a 6 = 2:2 and 7.5 = 2:1