Hi - thanks for writing! What are some schools you're interested in? For many programs, the average work experience is 4-6 years, so MBA entry within the next year or so may be difficult given that you are more recent to the workforce.
My profile is as follow
10th 91
12th 89
Beth/Mtech dual degree from IIT Delhi
GPA 3.4
GMAT score 730
proficient in French
working in analytic firm since 2015 july as associate, more in anlytics in healthcare
graduate and post grad in biotech and biochem egg
volunteered in various social issues and regular in blood donation and plantation drives
volunteer in an NGO in uttrakhand, helping the underprivileged inhabittants of uttrakhand
interned at alto univ finland in molecular physics
worked as placement coorinator at IIT
has been the best dancer in IIT delhi
work experience will be 2years in july 2017 and by 2018 will be 3 years
Kindly evaluate my profile and comment.