It's going to be extremely difficult to get into any of these schools with a 690 so I'd definitely do what you can to improve your GMAT score, especially since your GPA is already below average. Ideally you want to be in the 740+ range to help compensate for that GPA. You've got some good international work experience but your existing masters will make it a bit more difficult to convince the adcom that you still need the MBA. It will be critical to name the 3-4 specific skill gaps you still need to fill via b-school in order to achieve your goals, which I think you can definitely do. Your post-MBA goal is unique, which is a good thing, but you'll also need to be ready to explain how you'll compete against existing firms in this space who have more resources that you will as a start up. It might worth considering joining an existing firm where you can have larger impact right from the start.
It's ideal for international applicants to apply R1 but as long as you avoid R3 you'll be in good shape & it's definitely worth giving yourself time to improve that GMAT score if you want to aim this high in terms of target schools. With your current score I'd look at schools in the 20-30 range. Generally speaking you want to hit the average unless you're compensating for something. In your case you've got to compensate for the GPA & for the somewhat common work experience (lots of folks applying from consulting) so I'd aim for a school that's ~20 points higher than the school average.
If you need any help thinking through your story & your strategy definitely reach out to us. If you email Claudia at she can set you up with a free consultation with one of our MBA consultants who can take a look at your resume & give you some more detailed thoughts.