Hi, I'm planning to apply this winter for finance PhD.
Type of Student: Domestic(us citizen) Asian Male
Test Scores (GRE): V164(94%) Q169(97%) W4.5(82%)
Undergrad/Grad Institution Seoul national university(Korea)
Program Bachelor of business admin., BA econ, BS stat(triple degree)
Graduate Program MS in accounting(just finished 1st semester)
Undegrad GPA: 3.97/4.3 (3.85/4.0)
Graduate GPA: 4.15/4.3 (4.0/4.0)
Research Experience: none
Teaching Experience: none
Work Experience: statistical research assistant(summer) at central bank + summer intern at a life insurance company(db analysis)
Computing skills: R, SAS, LaTeX
Intro Micro/Macro A+/A+
Intermediate Micro/Macro A+/A0
Econometrics A0
Financial Mgmt A0
Insurance and Risk Management A+
Investments A+
Calculus for Business A+
Calculus I A-
Linear Algebra I A-
Intro to Linear Algebra A0
Intro to Mathematical Analysis A0 (textbook: Rudin, PMA)
Numerical Linear Algebra A0
Real Analysis(undergrad) A0 (textbook: Folland)
Intro Stat A0
Stat Lab A+
Intro Prob(calc based) B0
Regression Analysis A0
Design of experiments B+
Mathematical Statistics I/II B+/A+
Data Mining A-
Survival Analysis A0
Time Series Analysis A+
Sampling Design A0
Statistical computing B+
Concentration Applying to: To be decided... maybe asset pricing theory?
I am aiming for top 20 or top 30, or maybe top 10? I'm worried that I have virtually no research experience and that I took a dearth of finance courses..
I would appreciate an evaluation of my profile for this fall 2018 application season, and any tips/advice offered. Thank you in advance!