Hi there!
You've got excellent GPAs in both your degrees! That will definitely help in terms of showing your academic qualifications. But the GMAT is an important part of that too. It will improve your chances a lot if you can score as close to the average as possible -- and even possibly above the average considering how competitive the applicant pool is from India (though since you're working in the US already, that will help strengthen/differentiate your profile). Getting in to some of those programs with your current score is possible, but will be tough. In particular, you should really try to improve your verbal score -- especially coming from a technical background with a desire to focus more on marketing, communication skills will be important. Finally, I wouldn't be so certain that you can't improve your score. Doing more practice exams will help, and possibly doing an online course or working with a tutor. Keep at it!
Otherwise your work experience sounds strong and the multiple promotions are great.
Good luck!
Race/nationality: Indian Female
Background: Want to start school Fall 2018. (Part time MBA from top schools)
Undergrad school/major: Electrical engineering from NIT (top school in India after IIT)
Undergrad GPA: 9.51/10 (Got Silver Medal for topping my EE branch and Rank #3 in the entire batch including all engineering branches)
Grad school/major: MS in Electrical engineering from Purdue (MS thesis option). Got TA/GA/RA during my time at Purdue.
Grad GPA: 3.8/4
Work experience: 6.5 years of work experience in a top semiconductor company in US. Working as an engineer, got promoted once and expecting another promotion next year. I have received 2 department level awards for my work. I did a development opportunity role for 2 months in the sales and marketing group and worked as a program manager and market research analyst. I recently got an offer to pursue marketing role full time in the area of product marketing. Also have 2 years of work ex in India in a software consultancy company working for a US client before coming for Masters in US.
Low GMAT Score: 580 (Q48 V20)
Extra curriculars: Have volunteered for technology faire, International Telementor Program, PC Pals etc.
Goal after MBA: To build solid fundamentals and grow in the area of marketing/ strategy.
Target schools: Haas, Foster, Mccombs, Anderson, NYU Stern. Primarily part time, might consider full time if I get a decent score in GMAT.
I realize that my GMAT score is low but I am not able to improve it. I am planning to give the exam again. As the deadlines are approaching, I would like to know my chances of getting an admit based on my current profile. Do I need to hit the average GMAT of the schools I am planning to apply to? Is there any chance of getting in with the current profile?
Thank you for your time!