Profile: 25 years old female, from China, moved to NYC 3 years ago, currently holding a F-1 Visa
GMAT: 710 (Q50, V 36)
Master majors in Finance at Fordham University, GPA 3.22
Bachelor majors in Finance in China, GPA 3.3
had 3 internship experience in commercial bank and asset management firm, total 12 months
full time experience total is 2 years:
1) 12 months for a startup firm specializing in holding social events for hedge fund managers and investors. one of the 3 full time employees, and managed the intern team for 8-10 people
2) current position is at a online brokerage firm, working in the operation team. The only Chinese in the company.
Activities: Started a Hiking club when I was in college, and successfully launch it to an association, along with other 3 top universities in Shanghai. Total members are around 200 people.
Target School: Johnson, NYU