I just got a 660 on the gmat (46Q 36V) and I have a 3.59 gpa from a state university. I also just started working at GEICO in a management development program. I want to apply to BYU's mba (672 avg gmat) program in 2018 to start in the fall of 2019.
Will my GMAT score get the job done or should I study and retake? All thoughts/suggestions are welcome!
Hey there!
Well look, your GMAT might be enough to get you in (although to know more about that I need a LOT more info from you - school name, employer name, titles, promotions, greatest achievements, volunteer work, sports, community service, religious involvement, leadership.. etc. before I can give you a real evaluation.)
Buuuut anyhow, the main point is: if you think you can do better, it's probably worth your while to retake. Not only will it make you more competitive, but also you might open new options, and it might increase your chances of getting a scholarship.
Plus you have enough time until Round 1,
I hope this helps,
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