Thanks for writing in! I am trying to understand the question - you are in the midst of obtaining an online MBA and you are considering either a Master's in Business Analytics or another MBA, this time in business analytics? And you want to understand the difference or which you should do? I see you want a
profile review- but first we need to understand for what program (and the answer to that is you don't seem sure)?
I would actually take a step back and say: what kind of role am I trying to get, and what do I need to get that role? Do you need a full degree, or would some other kind of certification, combined with your online MBA, work? Just saying you want to get into the business analytics domain generally isn't super specific, and different roles might require more or less training/preparation.
If you determine that yes, one of these degrees would be helpful, then I would dig into the specifics of the programs you mention and see what they provide in terms of preparation and require in terms of background, and where do they place into. Some MBAs don't allow people with previous MBAs (not sure if the online distinction matters) to apply. Some Master's in Business Analytics require specific coursework or experience. I am less familiar with the Master's in Business Analytics programs than the MBA programs (which is our main focus), but have worked with a couple of folks on a few of those Master's in Business Analytics programs in the past, and in some ways they had more rigid requirements and expectations in terms of coursework than the MBA programs do. Of course, you also want to look at the profiles of the programs for what the typical applicants bring to the table in terms of scores, etc. Ideally, your scores should fall at or above the norm if you are applying from a competitive category (and as an Indian engineer, you would fit this description)
Good luck!
Julie-Anne Heafey
Senior Consultant