Hi and welcome! Thanks for sharing your profile with us. It looks to be a really strong one! Obviously great GPA and GMAT stats (I don't see a need to retake, by the way). I think the most interesting part is the combination of a more traditional start in banking paired with the less traditional entrepreneurial experience. Showcasing your successes (and setbacks) as a small business owner should be a key element of your applications. It also seems like you're at a great stage in your career to apply.
As far as areas to improve, I don't see many, but I would think about your extracurricular / community involvement and make sure you have enough formally going on in that area. If not, it may not be too late to formalize something you do casually, or restart something you've been involved with previously.
I think your recommendations will certainly be different than most applicants but that doesn't mean they can't be strong. Start by considering different options of who could write them (think broadly) and brainstorm key qualities/examples you'd like for them to share in your letters. If they're not familiar with the MBA process, you may need to give them some more guidance upfront and share more about why this is so important to you and what these schools are looking for. This is one step of the process we help our clients with.
Mostly though I would start soon on brainstorming your key story, formulating essay ideas, and also researching/networking with your target programs. You may enjoy these videos that we recently released:
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3MRGVbKHWHYhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uH6uaLztD3IHope that helps and feel free to reach out here or by doing a free consultation if you have further questions!
Hi there! I am new to the forum and just looking for a little advice as I consider applying this fall for the class of 2025.
Here is my profile...
Demographics: USA, white, male
Education: Top 10-15 university. Engineering major, business minor. 3.9 GPA
Other coursework or post-undergraduate education: NA
GMAT score: 760 (50 Q, 42 V, 8 IR)
Work experience: 1.5 years in bulge bracket investment banking. 5 years of entrepreneurship (running my own e-commerce aggregator)
Extracurricular activities: President of my undergrad fraternity, very invested in health/longevity/fitness
Post-MBA goals: Start a venture backed company
Target schools: Stanford, Harvard, Wharton
Other information relevant to your profile: The beginning of my career was prestigious but at this point most of my work experience relates to running my own bootstrapped small business. As a result, my recommenders will likely be the weakest part of my application.
Any specific questions you would like answered by our team: Am I a strong candidate for my target schools? Would raising my GMAT score move the needle much? And is there anything else you would recommend
that I consider to improve my odds?
Thank you so much for the help!