Hi Everyone,
Hope your preparation are going very well. I am writing to ask people on this Forum; If you
have a boss who is neither interested in writing the first draft, nor adept at writing a great
letter full of meat, how would you solve this problem?
Souvik @BB-Can you share your thoughts? How do people manage recommendation
letters from bosses who are not willing to even write a single sentence, and are just keen on
approving the final letter? What is the most accepted/ethical way of pulling this off, and
getting an admit?
I am seeing a lot of reapplicants come to me this year for application evaluation, and I am
finding shallow/fake recommendations to have had a significant impact on the rejections.
Some of those letters were too good to be true, and were not representative of Boss-
Subordinate relationship. I think a lot of applicants lose credibility just because they were
not able to have a straight conversation with their bosses.
Can you share your thoughts? How will you manage if your Immediate boss said “Write
whatever you want”?
If you are doing Round 1, I will strongly advise you to start a conversation with your bosses
ahead of time. Share an executive summary of your engagements + Accomplishments with
him. If you have a good relationship with him, let him/her work on the first draft and share
it with you. Get this done ahead of time.
Some deadlines are closer than you think.
Darden: Sept 3rd
Cornell: Sept 5 th
Oxford: Sept 6 th
LBS: Sept 14 th
ISB Sept 15 th
Wharton Sept 17 th
INSEAD: Sept 18 th
Duke: Sept 19 th
Booth: Sept 26 th
Ross: Sept 30 th
Tuck: Oct 7 th