Hi stan3544,
Since the Program that you're interested in appears to have minimal score requirements in each of the sections of the GMAT, taking an isolated, un-timed section is not a realistic way to measure your skills. As such, when you take practice CATs in the future, you must take them in a realistic fashion (take the FULL CAT - with the Essay and IR sections, take it away from your home, at the same time of day as when you'll take the Official GMAT, etc.).
Based on everything that you've described, I think that you would find the EMPOWERgmat Quant Score Booster to be quite helpful. Most of our clients complete that Study Plan in under a month, so with your available time you can pace yourself without having to rush. We have a variety of free resources on our site (
www.empowergmat.com), so you can 'test out' the Course before setting up an account.
If you have any additional questions, then you can feel free to contact me directly.
GMAT assassins aren't born, they're made,