Congratulations! on getting 690 on GMAT.
Thank you for the information you have provided. It has helped me as I am taking my GMAT on May 5th. How about Verbal section? Are SC questions tough? How about RC? Are the passages very long?
Hi guys
I share my test experience.
In order to perceive the experience of taking-test GMAT, I had taken GMAT experience last week.
However, my overall score is very poor, below 500, espeically in verbal section(12, 2%), yet my quantitativesection is 42 points.
In conclusion, like a non-native English,I think verbal questions are
difficult and confusing.
In sentence correct, the most of questions I encounter are more complex
than those of
Official Guide and designed many traps to lure you to choose
wrong answer.
In critical reasoning, the stimulus in actual test has similar to
that of
Official Guide, yet answer choices are more perplexing than
those of
Official Guide, a practice making you hesitating to answer.
In reading, four passages I meet have a litter more easy than those of
OG and their length is approximately from 50 to 100 lines.
In contrast to verbal, my quantitative section has better great performance than verbal sction. I find that overall math question are not too tough to answer, besides some probability probllem.
I only do the practice questions of
Official Guide.
Above my miserable experience, I plan to retake GMAT later three months and then hope to obtain somewhat suggestion and approach to improve my weakness, verbal section, from this site.
Chih-Hao in Taiwan