Hey there charliethebanana (love the name), thanks for reaching out. It's hard to say with certainty without knowing more about you & your specific accomplishments/leadership experience at work but here are some top line thoughts. A 3.1 is quite low, so you will want to aim for a 750 to help outweigh that. A 730 is a solid score but too close to the average at M7 schools to outweigh a low GPA. A lot is also going to depend on the quality of your accomplishments at work as well as your leadership experience. It can be tough to show results in your role just given the nature of the job, and while the adcom won't count that against you it also makes your job harder since showing strong impact at work is part of how you demonstrate that you're up for the rigors of their school. Like I said leadership is key as well, whether at work or via an extracurricular. It's not enough with these top schools to just have a strong GMAT score. The other candidates will have strong GMAT scores as well. You need a paint a picture of your unique value prop so they're convinced they should admit YOU vs. the competition.
You'll want to think through the specifics of your post-MBA goals as well & narrow in on a single path. The adcom wants to know exactly what you plan to do in the ST & LT (i.e. target title & 2-3 target firms), the impact you plan to make there (i.e., what problems are you going to help your company solve)? and the reason why this is your passion. Post-MBA goals are not only a way to differentiate yourself but are also the basis for your why MBA/why our school argument so they're a critical component of your app & you want to show that you've really done your homework there.
In terms of schools, depending on the factors named above, I think you'll have a shot at M7 but it may be a bit of a stretch. Like I said, it's hard to say with certainty without knowing more about what you have accomplished at work & if you do have any leadership experience or extracurriculars under your belt, but just based on the GMAT (and considering the GPA) I'd say you definitely have a shot at top 20 & top 10 will be more within reach depending on all of these other factors.
If you'd like some more specific thoughts definitely reach out to us. If you email Claudia at
claudia@admissionado.com she can set you up with a free consultation with one of our MBA consultants who can take a look at your resume & talk through your candidacy in more detail!