Hi All,
While there are a variety of different study materials that you can use, and lots of different 'tools' that you might find helpful during your studies, the GMAT will NEVER give you a Quant question that requires difficult math to solve it. If you find yourself focusing on complex calculations during your studies, then you are almost certainly missing out on faster/easier approaches that can get you to the correct answer with a lot less effort and stress. On Test Day, you have two general goals when dealing with any individual question:
1) Get the question correct, if possible.
2) Choose an approach that is efficient, so that you don't waste time (even if that means 'dumping' the question).
Thankfully, the GMAT is a consistent, predictable Exam - and most GMAT questions can be solved in a couple of different ways (they're actually designed that way on purpose). To maximize your performance on Test Day, you should be looking to build up all of your skills (not just complex-math skills), including your comfort level with all of the various Tactics, patterns and 'secrets' that you can use on the GMAT.
GMAT assassins aren't born, they're made,