Thanks BB for a prompt consideration of my query.
I still need more inputs from you on SC-The main problem i find is in identifying the errors of redundancy.
In RC i fail to retain anything after reading carefully and I fail to look for a correct answer even after spending lot of time, i feel my answers are right just 'coz of a fluke and not for any strengths I've, I read newspapers daily and browse on the internet for my subject, but still I'm not good in retaining or comprehending. I'm simply bad in it besides the fact that I've studied in English medium throughout and I'm speaking english for last 15 years. I've been bad in asking questions throuhgout, so i fail to ask questions myself to cpmprehend better.
I get scared on seeing an inequality DS question and I do it wrong most of the time. I simply cant see the logic in it, besides knowing the fundamentals well. I got a very long wordy work problem in my actual GMAT which I could not answer after trying for 7 minutes, can u help me in practicing more of those kindda problems?
I know i've asked for lots but I guess thats why we are here