Senator Janice White is quietly lobbying to become chairman of one of the Senate's most prestigious committees. However, that post currently belongs to Senator Dan Smith. If Senator Smith already has twenty senators committed to his continued chairmanship of the committee, then Senator White will consider another committee. If Senator Smith does not have that much support lined up yet, then Senator White will study Senator Smith's past committee voting record for inconsistent and unpopular votes. If Senator White finds that Smith's voting record is out of favor with today's voter and publicizes it, then her chances of capturing the chairmanship would be increased, and she would publicly announce her interest in the chairmanship. If Senator Smith's committee voting record is in keeping with current public sentiment and contains no inconsistencies, then Senator White will focus her attention on another committee chairmanship.
Based upon the information provided in the passage, which one of the following statements must be false?(A) Senator Smith has lined up only five votes, and Senator White drops her interest in the committee chairmanship.
(B) A number of inconsistencies are found in Senator Smith's voting record, and Senator White publicly announces her interest in the committee chairmanship.
(C) Several of Senator Smith's past committee votes would find disfavor with today's voting public, and Senator White does not pursue the committee chairmanship.
(D) Senator Smith's past committee voting record contains nothing that would increase Senator White's chances of obtaining the chairmanship, and Senator White publicly announces her interest in being named chairman.
(E) Senator Smith already has the support of thirty of his fellow senators, and Senator White focuses her interest on another committee.
Source: Nova GMAT
Difficulty Level: 750