I try solving speed time distance questions using equation. But after a few steps i get stuck and have to use trick and error to get to answer. If i solve using equations it takes a disproportionate amount of time.
I have been hearing about the logical approach to save time. Kindly explain what it is and how i can do such questions within 1.5 minutes.
That's a broad question (also--GMAT problems are meant to average 2 minutes, not 1.5).
The broadest advice I can give for these is, first and foremost, you're using D=RT or W=RT. Usually, you'll have multiple 'instances' or 'situations' to juggle. For each single situation, specify: What is the WORK/DISTANCE, what is the RATE, what is the TIME? Okay, in THIS instance, what is the WORK/DISTANCE, what is the RATE, what is the TIME?
Then find the CONNECTION between these equations. If, for instance, it's about thing working together, then you can ADD UP INDIVIDUAL RATES to get the COMBINED RATES. If it's a multi-leg journey, you can add up DISTANCE and/or TIME of the individual legs to get TOTAL D and/or TOTAL T. If a question tells you that one time was 30 minutes more than another, express one as 't' and the longer as 't+30' etc.
People often struggle most with the connections *between* the given equations than with the concept of 'rates' itself.
Here is a great video on the topic by Jeff Volmer: