Hello everyone, I took the GMAT for the second time in May and scored 550 (37Q, 29V) after prepping for almost 2 weeks. The first time I took it was during the end of March, and I had prepped during February and March using
TTP ( I went through the whole quant course and did almost all the hard/medium quizzes and scored above the required accuracy level) and got a low score of 480 (37Q and 21 V).
For both attempts, I mainly worked with
TTP (120hours in total if I remember correctly) and did all PS, SC, and CR questions from
OG and review. and I did 70% DS questions
OG and review) and 60% of RC.
After my first attempt, I stopped studying/hoping to get a 600 and then in May I booked it again on a whim and worked mostly on SC/CR My verbal score improved from 21 to 29 in a week's work (Only 2-3h per day and some days I didn't even work because I had university exams) and got 550. I need to get a 600 ( I am planning to resit on the 20th of July (can't push it back because the deadline is august and I want to leave enough time for a resit in august if I don't get the in July ) but have no idea how to improve.
I don't plan on taking any courses from companies, I already did 2 months of
TTP and my Quant score did not improve after showing bright scores on their platform. I will mainly do PS questions from @Bunuel's directory per topic. I still haven't started to work on DS.
For the past 5 days, I started doing Bunuel's PS set by topic, I did 3 topics for now (my weak areas as per my ESR: Percent, ratio and some overlapping sets) I focused mainly on sub-600 level questions (40-50 questions per topic, accuracy 96%) and 600-700 questions (40-50 questions per topic, accuracy 71% overall. my accuracy is still low with percent problems, I am at 60% acc. for this difficulty level). I still need to rework my verbal because I haven't really done anything except 5-10 SC and 5-10 CR questions per day. If I re-use the
OG I would mainly use it for Verbal (is it a good idea ? or should I re-do some quant
OG/review questions (because the problem is that I still remember most of the questions from quant).
I still haven't done any 700+ level questions.If anyone can give me some tips on how to improve in the days before my test I would really be grateful because with each mistake I lose more hope of improving (especially after working 600-700 level questions for percent problems and ending up with low accuracy).
About my availability I have a part-time student job, I work 2-3 days a week but I can manage to study for 3-4hours on those days. And on my days off I am willing to work more but don't know how much.
I am keeping an
error log (as I always have) and after a correct answer I read the comments to see if I have the same approach, and if my answer is incorrect I try to understand why ( mainly my mistakes come from English to math interpretation as I am not a native and not used to math in English)
During my official mock my scores were the following:
First one before studying: official mock 1: 550 (Q45 and V21)
After studying: Official mock 2: 620 (Q45 and V27)
Official mock 5: 620 (Q48 and V27)
Official mock 6: 640 (Q47 and V31)
Thank you for your time and help