Thanks Vyshak for the great explanation.
Now this makes more sense - effect was not causing the cause.
I was looking at the literal meaning and no looking at what causes the effects and vice versa. Its a tricky question - Initially I thought this is negating the correct answer and will weaken the argument so i skipped it and move to next answer choice and saw all other are irrelevant so had to choose A (which I know will make the argument weaker but I thought thats the best available option).
What is the best way to tackle reverse cause and effect questions like this?
Even the negation trick works here.
Stated General Truth: problematic family relationships can cause significant academic difficulties for our students. (The argument relies on this stated truth)
Negate B: The decline in the GPA of the exchange student was the reason for the student's arguments with her parents. - If the decline in GPA actually caused the arguments then the argument break down.
Whenever there is a cause and effect relationship we should keep 3 things in mind in order to strengthen an argument:
1) Only the cause leads to the intended effect.
2) Effect does not happen before the cause or Effect does not cause the cause.
3) No other cause leads to the intended effect.
A possible weakener will be the opposite of the 3 stated points.