Hi dreamyagrawal,
Test Day is a rather specific 'event' - the details are specific and they matter, so you have to train as best as you can for all of them. The more realistic you can make your CATs, the more likely the score results are to be accurate. The more you deviate, the more "inflated" your practice scores can become. Since all 3 of these CATs were ones that you had taken previously (just a couple of months ago), there is a high possibility that you saw 'repeat' questions (and even a few of those questions would significantly impact the scoring algorithm, your energy/anxiety levels, fatigue, pacing, etc.). In addition, if there was anything else that you did during these Exams that was not realistic (such as taking the CATs at home, taking them at a different time of day, skipping sections, pausing the Exams, etc.), then there's an even greater likelihood that these scores are not accurate.
Based on this evidence, I wouldn't assume that you are actually at the "700 level" right now, so I think that you should pay to push back your Test Date. Beyond that, you should be sure to take NEW CATs from now on (and no more than 1 CAT/week).
GMAT assassins aren't born, they're made,