Project SC Butler: Sentence Correction (SC2)
For SC butler Questions Click Here THE PROMPTQuote:
The principal, having increased the number of teachers in the school, is being accused of maintaining a poor ratio of students to teachers.
A) The principal, having increased the number of teachers in the school, is being
• Grammatical but nonsensical
There are no grammar errors, but the meaning is silly.
→ If the principal has
increased the number of teachers in the school, then why is
he [now] being accused of maintaining a poor ratio of students to teachers?
• Meaning / Logic -- the sentence is illogical. We need a contrast word to highlight that the situation is ironic and weird.
No such contrast word exists.
B) The principal, increasing the number of teachers in the school, however, is still being
• Strange timing / cause and effect are poorly rendered
→ Is the principal increasing the number of teachers at the school at the same time that he is "still" being criticized?
The timing is confusing.
• The word
however→ almost always on the GMAT,
however joins two full clauses, follows a semicolon, and is followed by a comma, this way:
The leaders of certain countries are stone cold killers; however, they are tolerated because they control resources upon which the rest of the world depends, albeit unwisely.→ if you see
however without a semicolon and
however means "nonetheless" rather than "in whatever way," it should be flanked by commas—meaning, a comma before and a comma after. This sentence is missing a comma after
however. Punctuation is rarely dispositive, but the GMAT is fairly strict about the three ways
however is used, about which you can read
here, in this short article..
C) Although the principal has begun to increase the number of teachers in the school, [HE/SHE] is still being
• ungrammatical: the subject (
principal, he, or she) must be repeated after the comma because what comes after the comma is a full clause
D) Although the principal has increased the number of teachers in the school, he is still being
• This option looks promising—finally the option makes the irony or paradox clear
Although and
still are not redundant contrast words.
→ Still can mean "up to the present moment/ even now"
or "nevertheless."
→ In this option,
still means
even now and does not clash with
Correct: Although the Ukrainians have been promised more heavy artillery quite a few times, the embattled defenders still have not received much of that particular kind of help, badly needed to defend against Putin's vicious attack.• The time frame in this option D makes sense
ALthough the principal has (just) increased the number of teachers, he is still being attacked . . .
E) Although the principal has increased the number of teachers in the school, yet he is being
• Redundancy (and problems with double contrast)
In this case, although and yet mean the same thing, are redundant, and create an illogical sentence.
The answer is D.COMMENTSAnalysis is good. Nice work.