There is a company X that does not elect employees who are under 20 years old. 10 percent of the total number of employees is at least 20 years old or older. Is the average age of the employees older than 30 years old?
1) 70 percent of the employees were more than 40 years old.
2) 25 percent of the employees were more than 60 years old.
If you modify the original condition and the question, and assume that the total number of employees is 100, the question becomes “is the average age of the employees older than 30 years old?” This becomes the sum of the 100 employees’ ages > (30 years old)(100 employees) = 3,000 years old? And if you assume the minimum 10% as 20 years old, you get 10 employees * 20 years old = 200, which becomes the sum of the rest 90 employees’ ages > 3,000 years old – 2,00 years old = 2,800 years old? Then,
for con 1), if it is 70% of the employees, it is 70, and (70)(40 years old) = 2,800 years old, so it is greater than 40 years old, hence yes, it is sufficient.
For con 2), you should apply CMT 4 (B: if you get A or B too easily, consider D). If you assume that 75% of the total employees are all 20 years old and the rest 25% are 60 years old, the sum of total 100 employees’ ages = (75 employees)(20 years old) + (25 employees)(60 years old) = 3,000 years old, and since 75% is older than 60 years old, it is always yes and sufficient. Therefore, the answer is D.