In one of the forums I came across the time one can spend on the GMAT questions:
CR-2 1/2 min, SC-1 1/2 min and rest all including RC 2 minutes
But when I'm practicing on the RC practice test of Kaplan, they have 18 questions and the time limit is 25 min thats gives us less than a minute for each question??????? Can anybody clarify on this.
If you add those minutes up - you will get busted
- that's too much time. You have 41 questions and 75 mins, so you should be spending under 2 mins a question - that schedule will make you sit till the next morning at the center
Here is the timing I tried to keep:
SC 0.5-1.3 minute
CR 1.5 min
RC 7 mins/passage
I tried to spend around 45 secs on the SC - I was fairly confident in my grammar skills - I love it since it is very much rule based. I love rules and I love to find loopholes. I love systems.
Anyway, this gets you the following outlook:
SC - you have 16 questions on the test or close
CR - 12 questions on the test or close
RC - 13 questions or close - 4 passages
As the result, you get 18 mins on CR; 16 mins on SC and you have 35 -40 mins left for Reading; this will get to about 7 mins a passage.
IN reading I would split it the following way: 5 mins for the passage and 2 mins for the questions - I learnt that if I spend extra time reading I answer questions faster and more confidently - so I need only 30 secs or less per questions if I read well.
Wow, I just shot it out.
I hope you can scoop something out of this.