Hi kc247,
A 560 is a solid initial CAT score (the average score on the Official GMAT hovers around 540-550 most years). That having been said, raising this score to a 750+ will take a significant amount of work - and you'll have to make big improvements to how you handle BOTH the Quant and Verbal sections. With your current planned Test Date, you have about 2 months of potential study time, but the 190+ points that you're looking for will likely require at least another 3 months of consistent, guided study. This is meant to say that you would likely need more time than you've allotted, so you might need to consider pushing back your Test Date. Another thing to consider is that you probably don't "need" a 750+ to get into your first choice Business School, so you have to be mindful of the REAL goal in all of this.
1) When are you planning to apply to Business School?
2) What Schools are you planning to apply to?
GMAT assassins aren't born, they're made,