ULTIMATE GMAT RE-TAKING GUIDE BY OPTIMUS PREP – RESULTS GUARANTEEDYou are not satisfied with your current GMAT score? You need to crack 700 to have realistic chances to get accepted? You are stuck at your current level?
This article will help you boosting your GMAT score – RISK FREE !!!1) Is it worth re-taking the GMAT in your situation?
This is the point of departure and very important to understand. You can find some very helpful here:
should-i-retake-gmat-thread-retaking-gmat-strategies-83339.html?fl=menu2) Analyze how much you need to improve
What is your target score vs. your current GMAT score? The higher the difference between these scores the harder it your way will be.
3) The role of score improvement guarantees
Please be aware that re-takers have a huge advantage – SCORE IMPROVEMENT GUARANTEES. These make your preparation in some situations absolutely risk free if you read and carefully follow the terms & conditions. Optimus Prep has a 50 points score improvement or full refund policy. If you take 34 hours of private tutoring (online or in-person) we offer as the only test prep company worldwide a 700 GMAT score guarantee! You will need to finish the entire on demand course with all its features and take all lessons with your tutor. This is as fair as it gets!
4) How are the chances for success
If you know how much you need to improve you have to evaluate your chances for success.
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Be aware that this is an official statistic and include many GMAT test takers who did not prepare with the help of experts or a GMAT course. Yet they still improve by more than 20 points compared to their previous attempt and continue to improve the more GMATs they take. Hard work and dedication pays off as you can see!
5) Identify WHERE you have to improve
The best way would be to get an individual study plan based on your diagnostic test results.
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If you are very strong in one test part and failed the other the reason is obvious though. Most students need prep for both test parts eve if they are strong in one. The reason is that they can still learn how to avoid silly mistakes in their strong test part and therefore improve their total score tremendously. It depends on the individual situation though. Analytic tools of diagnostic tests in on demand courses are extremely helpful in this part. However, nothing beats private tutoring here.
6) What is your dead line
Do you have a tight schedule? Ideally, you can take as much time for your new attempt as you need but some students don’t have that luxury. It plays an important role for your GMAT prep option selection. For example, class courses might not be a realistic option if there is not enough time to finish them.
7) What is your budget
This is another main aspect for the correct GMAT prep course selection. Do you have sufficient financial resources for private tutoring or do you need to select a GMAT course out of the low priced courses? Even if there are score improvement or full refund guarantees the price is for most students the most important aspect! However, most students try to save a few hundred bucks on a $200,000 education which is ridiculous!
8) What is the time you can spend for your studying
Again an important aspect to consider during your course selection! Heavily differs from student to student!
9) What is the best GMAT course option
This is the single most important aspect of your preparation. THIS WILL DECIDE IF YOU REACH YOUR TARGET GMAT SCORE OR NOT! The answers to the previous questions were just trying to help which course to choose.
This link should be very helpful for you: https://www.optimus-prep.com/GMAT10) Start your prep and execute your game plan
No matter which course from which company you finally chose; you have to execute your game plan with the absolute maximum discipline. Otherwise, a game plan is not worth a dime…You can have the best GMAT course worldwide but if you don’t do what it takes to succeed you will fail – and in most cases you will not be qualified for the refund guarantee because they are based on your studying effort!
11) Stay motivated
Stay motivated and be aware that this is hard work and some students need several attempts to get their target score
Motivation stories from other GMAT test takers:
search.php?search_id=tag&tag_id=524Statistics about the salaries waiting for you if you master the GMAT:
https://gmatclub.com/blog/2014/10/mba-sa ... nvestment/Statistics about the salaries waiting for you if you master the MBA and become a CEO:
https://gmatclub.com/blog/2014/10/averag ... ucks-ceos/12) The test center
This is the day you have been waiting for…Keep cool and apply what you have learned and you will do fine!
What to do before the test day:
what-to-do-30-14-7-3-1-days-before-the-test-152506.htmlWhat not to do before test day:
8-things-not-to-do-at-the-test-center-120625.htmlWhat 750+ GMAT test takers have in common: