Project SC Butler: Day 109: Sentence Correction (SC1)
For SC butler Questions Click HereUnaware of the dangers of kleptomania,
most patients with this disorder ignore early symptoms before the habit becomes a compulsion and they can't resist the temptation to steal.
A. most patients with this disorder ignore early symptoms before the habit becomes a compulsion and
B. this disorder and early symptoms are ignored by most patients until the habit becomes compulsive and
C. most patients with this disorder ignore early symptoms before the habit becomes so compulsive that
D. early symptoms in most patients with this disorder are ignored before the habit becomes so compulsive that
E. most patients with this disorder ignore early symptoms before the habit becomes compulsive, which
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There may be no best/excellent answers, or a there may be a few excellent answers!Official Explanation:
A. Trap. "habit becomes a compulsion" is not the correct, intended meaning; "habit becomes compulsive" indicates the right meaning.
B. "Unaware of...kleptomania" should modify "most patients". In this option, it incorrectly modifies "this disorder".
C. Correct."habit becomes so compulsive that" is appropriate.
D. "Unaware of...kleptomania" incorrectly modifies "early symptoms". The sentence is awkwardly constructed and slightly changes the intended meaning.
E. "compulsive, which they can’t resist the temptation to steal" is awkward and ungrammatical.