Hi acacia,
There's some significant variations in these CAT scores, so it's difficult to assess what your current 'ability level' actually is. Considering your score goal, you might need to consider pushing back your Test Date. I have a few questions about how you took these CATs:
1) Did you take the ENTIRE CAT each time (including the Essay and IR sections)?
2) Did you take them at home?
3) Did you take them in the same 'order' as you plan to take the Official GMAT?
4) Did you take them at the same time of day as when you plan to take your Official GMAT?
5) Did you ever do ANYTHING during your CATs that you couldn't do on Test Day (pause the CAT, skip sections, take longer breaks, etc.)?
6) Did you ever take a CAT more than once? Had you seen any of the questions BEFORE?
GMAT assassins aren't born, they're made,
below are the answers
1) Did you take the ENTIRE CAT each time (including the Essay and IR sections)?
I did IR sections but not essay. In selection order it comes right at the end so I think it doesn'taffect my performance in quant and verbal2) Did you take them at home? Yes
3) Did you take them in the same 'order' as you plan to take the Official GMAT?
Yes4) Did you take them at the same time of day as when you plan to take your Official GMAT?
Yes precisely5) Did you ever do ANYTHING during your CATs that you couldn't do on Test Day (pause the CAT, skip sections, take longer breaks, etc.)?
I don't think so, but I do get distracted easily from disturbances happening around in my house6) Did you ever take a CAT more than once? Had you seen any of the questions BEFORE?
No, It was the first time I saw all those questions.I'm just not sure why in a month my performance decreased from 690 to 640. I know that I was more nervous this time than I was a month ago, not sure if that can be such a big factor. How do I work on that?