Can you please clarify whiteboard strategies... the information seems to be all over the place online.
It is unclear what is up to date/accurate, and especially with how important time management is I want to prepare with correct info re the hiwteboard-[align=]
1. Does Whiteboard erase between sections.
- for ex if i wanted to type out time strategies in beginning for whole test--- wouldl it be available throughout/for each section/
-. if I started Verbal and then quant, could I lay out strategies for both sections?
2. When is whiteboard available ( (like when can we open it)
- can i open it during instruction period?
3. Can i start typing on it during instruction period right before?
4. Keyboard Differences with mac- my "enter" key doesnt ever allow me to go to next line when using text box-- any idea how to fix this/ how can i enter to go to next line/last time when typing... it woulldnt let. me go to next line (or fix any other differences related to mac)
5. What Keyboard Shortcuts are available for mac users aka to go to next page, confirm,etc.
In general, any overall strategies specifically for online whiteboard would be really helpful. i want to make sure I prepare for what is up to date information.