Hi All,
Need some advice from the blog here. Just took my GMAT and scored a 600 (36 V / 36 Q). Devastated. Been studying for over a year and still can't make progress. Goal (was) 730, idk now.
For reference, below are my CAT and official test scores for last ~4-5 months (because this is where I started studying with a tutor):
July: Official GMAT - 620 35/41, V/QSeptember: Practice GMAT Prep 1 - 640 39/39, V/Q
October: Practice GMAT Prep 2 - 640 34/44, V/Q
October: Practice GMAT Prep 4 - 680 40/42, V/Q (This was a re-take. Took this back in July where I scored 580, 30/39 V/Q)
October: Official GMAT - 630 34/42, V/QOctober: Practice GMAT Prep 3 - 660 35/46, V/Q (This was a re-take. Took this back in June where I scored 640, 35/46 V/Q)
November: Practice GMAT Prep 6 - 650 36/43, V/Q
November: Practice GMAT Prep 5 - 700 35/49, V/Q (This was a re-take. Took this back in July where I scored 640, 34/44 V/Q)
November: Official GMAT - 600 36/36, V/Q
FYI - for all the practice GMAT preps:
- I do V and Q first, take the 8 minute break, but then usually skip the IR and Essay
- Don't do any non-official GMAT timing things i.e. pause CAT etc.
- Took them all at home, mostly around the same time as my test
As you can tell - my Quant score is ALL OVER the place. My verbal is steady at 34/35. Worst part about verbal is it isn't just one area I'm weak in. Per my ESR, sometimes, I'll do good on SC and RC, then another time I'll do good on CR - it's so confusing (I'm also a native English speaker if that matters).
Studying so far: - Done
Manhattan prep in-person course
- Working with an official Poets & Quants rated / featured tutor once a week
- Study atleast 2.5-3 hours on weekdays and 4-5 hours on weekends.
- Have an
error log that I visit almost everyday. Here I re-do problems I got wrong, and again, re-do problems that I get wrong the second time. I try to understand why I got these problem wrong and read everyone's post on GMATClub
- Been seriously studying since April. Initially had a tutor who I met once a week. That didn't work out because I took an official in July and score only improved 30 points (after 3 months of tutoring)
- Next, hired a new tutor. Been meeting new tutor once a week for last 3.5 months, yet my score from July of 620 has barely budged (see reported scores above)
What am I doing wrong? I'm going crazy and going broke spending all this money on prep. I already told my employer about my b-school plans so they are expecting me to leave...... anyway. Thanks for the help all.
EMPOWERgmatRichC bb