Hi ChiTexan2015,
690 is a great safety net, so you should be able to go into your next GMAT with a calm head. Regarding what to do in the next 9 days, in addition to taking a few more practice exams, to improve your quant and verbal skills, you may find it helpful to engage in focused practice of each individual quant and verbal topic. For example, let’s say that you want to practice Number Properties. You can do so by answering 50 or more questions just from Number Properties: LCM, GCF, units digit patterns, divisibility, remainders, etc. As you do such practice, do a thorough analysis of each question that you don't get right. If you got a remainder question wrong, ask yourself why. Did you make a careless mistake? Did you not properly apply the remainder formula? Was there a concept you did not understand in the question? Number Properties is just one example; follow this process for all quant and verbal topics.
Also, try to keep busy with activities other than GMAT prep: go out to dinner, go to the movies, binge-watch Netflix, go for a run … Do whatever you have to so you don’t spend the days leading up to your exam worrying about how things will go.
Lastly, you may find it helpful to read this article with more advice on
how to treat the final week leading up to your exam as well as some test day tips.
Let us know how things go. Good luck!!