It's my 3rd attempt to consider MBA. Previous 2 times, I decided to remain on work.
Now I'm 32 with 12 years work experience in sales&marketing in IT industry. I worked for Microsoft as a Product Marketing Manager and for Polycom as Business Development Manager. Worth mentioning, I'm Russian and all my experience limited to Eastern European market.
Yes, I should fit better for Executive MBA, however I cannot combine education with my current employment. Meanwhile, my current personal and family circumstances allows me to spend 1-2 years and some money for full-time MBA.
After MBA I plan to stay in IT industry, but accelerate my career and unlock international job opportunities in US, Western Europe or Singapore.
I've already choose Foster Business School, which locates in Seattle (I'd like to settle there for at least several years) and deeply connected to Microsoft (I'd like to return back to Microsoft, yet on more senior role). Also I consider IMD in Switzerland, which has elder students profile.
What else I should add into consideration?
Thank you for any thoughts!