Before IELTS exam, everyone should follow a plan and work accordingly.
Here are some tips for IELTS preparation.
IELTS Reading
Do not read the whole passage; just skim through, that is, read the main headings and the first one or two lines of each paragraph to get an idea of what the passages are about.
Do not copy exact texts from passages.
Time keeping is very important. Do not spend long hours on a single passage.
Read plenty of books, journals, and newspapers to improve your reading skill.
Take notes while you skim through the passages so that you know where to find the answer.
Build up your vocabulary. You could use flashcards for vocabulary practice.
IELTS Listening
Listen to instructions carefully.
Watch television and movies to get familiar with English-speaking accent and to improve your listening skills.
Practice listening and taking notes at the same time.
Read the question beforehand for the following conversation or task. This way you will know what parts of the conversation you should focus on while listening to the conversation.
IELTS Writing
You must write at least 150 words for Task 1 and 250 for Task 2. Also, you must not exceed the word limit too much.
You should spend approximately 20 minutes on Task 1and approximately 40 minutes on Task 2.
Begin your essay by making an outline; it will save a lot of time and also lead to a coherent essay.
Express yourself in complete sentences.Bullet points and notes can lose marks.
When explaining flow charts, look for words like ‘then’ and ‘next’; it will help you understand the stages of the process.
IELTS Speaking
Make your answers short and to the point.
Speak with clear voice so that the examiner understands what you are saying.
Avoid making grammatical errors in your speech.
Use positive body language, like eye contact, good body posture, etc.
Don’t rush; be calm throughout the session.
Use proper intonation to score better. For example, if you are telling an exciting story, the examiner should fell the excitement in your tone.
Watch movies to see how actors and actresses use their tones to express different levels of emotions.
General IELTS Preparation Tips
Answer all questions as there is no negative marking.
If you do not know the answer to a particular question, guess!
Practice English daily by speaking in English with your friends, reading newspapers and books and writing on familiar topics.
Do as many practice tests as you can before the exam. This way will know your weak areas and get scope to develop them.
Don’t panic on the day of the test. Be comfortable.
Hope that helps!