VC is not a shoe-in with either program…. And I’m not really sure how to pick based on that. Both programs are very local andregregional so one approach could be if you’re looking to have a network, it will be a local and regional Netwerk so if you want to be in the south, then definitely Emery would be a more helpful net work or if you want to be in Seattle, then Foster.
I would probably suggest considering Plan B and see for your career goals. Is there a natural cycles and opportunities that are created in each of the industries. Sometimes you may be graduating during a downturn in tech for example but grills and consulting or downturn in VC and grill thin tech though that doesn’t sound very logical
VC is very often relationship and referral based. It definitely helps if you have some previous experience or if you have some value that you would bring to the table. Otherwise there’s a lot of interest from some of the top business schools with extremely strong contenders.
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