Free GMAT Club Tests on Sat & Sun Nov 16-17, 2019Hello GMAT Club members,
As some of you know, we have made an upgrade to some of our infrastructure last weekend and it has gone quite as planned with a few things not working very week on Monday. Our bookmarks were limping and some of the posting features did not work quite well. Well, it is a lot better now and we are down to 1 issue at this time (if you know of others,
please post them here - it would be super helpful).
In any case, I am terribly sorry about this mishap. I have underestimated the complexity of the upgrade and I apologize about the disruptions and inconvenience it has caused. As a way of making up, I would love to offer something in return for your patience and support during this transition process - your posts and bug reports were very helpful!
We will open up GMAT Club Tests this weekend to be used freely without a subscription on Saturday at 00:01 and will keep them open through Sunday 23:59, US Pacific Standard Time. Please do take advantage of this opportunity to take the tests, quizzes, etc. Keep in mind, however, that once Monday is here, you will not be able to review any questions, including the ones that you have taken. All question access will be disabled, so make sure you do your test review beforehand.
Thank you again,
BB, Founder of GMAT Club.