Hi Neha,
If you had posted this yesterday, then my first piece of advice would have been to push back your Test Date. Since your Exam is now 7 days away, it's not clear whether you have enough 'lead time' to do that now - but if you can push it back, then you should. Raising your score 60+ points in one week is likely too challenging of a task to be considered realistic, especially since you're already performing at a relatively high level (and I have to assume that you haven't gotten close to 700 yet). With a V29, you're likely losing serious points in at least 2 of the 3 major Verbal categories (SC, RC and CR), so you need more than just "tips" - you need to learn and practice new Verbal Tactics (and all of that work will take time - probably 3-4 weeks).
On this last CAT how many questions did you get wrong in the Verbal section....
1) Because of a silly/little mistake?
2) Because there was some verbal that you just could not remember how to do?
3) Because the question was too hard?
4) Because you narrowed the answers down to 2 choices but "guessed wrong"?
5) Because you were low on time and had to guess?
GMAT assassins aren't born, they're made,
Hi Rich,
In answer to your questions:
The score I have been recently getting:
GMAT PREP 3 is 640, Quant 49 (11 incorrect), Verbal 29 (14 incorrect) - Taken July 17, 2017
GMAT PREP 4 is 620, Quant 45 (12 incorrect), Verbal 28 (15 incorrect) - Taken July 20, 2017
CAT EXAM #4 Completed July 22, 2017 Score: 620, Quant 41 (19 incorrect) Verbal 34 (18 incorrect)
CAT EXAM #3 Completed July 21, 2017 Score: 640 Quant 43 Verbal 34
CAT EXAM #2 Completed July 02, 2017 Score: 640 Quant 44 Verbal 34
On this last CAT how many questions did you get wrong in the Verbal section.... mentioned above
1) Because of a silly/little mistake? I run out of time, stuck on DS, some complex quant questions, and CR questions
2) Because there was some verbal that you just could not remember how to do?
3) Because the question was too hard? In quant and CR is my weak area
4) Because you narrowed the answers down to 2 choices but "guessed wrong"? In a few CR questions
5) Because you were low on time and had to guess? YES
Another query,
My target is 700. Mostly I am running out of time, don't know why! Also, I want to take more GMAT prep mocks, so if I reset GMAT prep 3 and 4, will it give a diluted score, or a reliable score? Will the questions repeat?