Jfk, please let me know whether it fixes the typo.
Yes - it's fixed now - thanks a lot!
Hi Walker,
I can't wait to try out this app. I am actually going to buy an iPad very soon and the GMAT ToolKit will be my first app on it.
Do you guys have stats about how many you sold total/ over time / by version?
Any way to know whether people use it on 1/ iPhone 2/ipod Touch 3/ iPad 4/a combination of those?
Can you actually 'sync' the data (scores, history of tests results, etc...) between multiple devices?
I use it on the iPad more frequently, in combination with the Bamboo stylus on the scratchboard that is part of any in-app ebook or
OG tracker.
You can manually sync your data between devices, if you email yourself the raw data (option easy available within the trackers). You then copy paste into the app. It's not automatic, but it's easy enough IMHO.
I also just realized the great value of the timer. If I wanna do Sackmann's questions, I can use the app's timer to keep track of those questions, or any other questions from other books.
As for the usefulness on the iPhone: it's nice to have your
MGMAT ebooks available anywhere you are. I have my iPhone with me more frequently than the iPad. The game is nice for on-the-way-practice and the hard quant questions are good too, though I prefer using the iPad's scratchboard (bigger). If you wanna practice on the iPhone I highly recommend
MGMAT's free flashcards, they don't require any heavy sketches / calculations that would require a scratchboard. The questions are of very good quality and you can track your progress / practice different content areas etc.