Hi riteshpatnaik,
Don't be so discouraged!
You still have plenty of time to improve your score.
Since we are specialised in math, we can only give you advice on math.
Please note that mock test scores tend to be higher than actual GMAT scores and we don't recommend for our members to solely rely on mock test scores.
In fact, GMAT math is a logic test, not a general math test. Hence, you need to learn logic to tackle GMAT math questions. With the conventional method, you can hardly solve all the questions in 75 minutes, which is highly time-consuming and inefficient.
With our unique approaches of Variable approach for DS and IVY approach for PS, you can significantly save time, and will have 10 minutes to spare on exam. For instance, with our approaches, you can solve questions that normally take 4 minutes in 1 minutes and 30 seconds, and 2-minute question in 30 seconds.
Also, You can solve DS questions 100% with Variable approach and 30-40% of PS questions with IVY approach.
Since your quant score is 38, it seems like you lack basic math skills. If you are weak on basic math skills, your PS won’t be good. If your PS isn't good, you will have hard time in forming equations in DS. So, your DS may not be good. Hence, it is very crucial for you to build solid basic math skills first, which you can learn from Math Review, part of our course package. After that, we highly recommend learning our approaches. Your exam is in March, 2017 and you have plenty of time to learn and master the approaches and our course.
If you would like to try our approaches, Please try Trial Pack (4 hour lesson) that reveal our secret approaches of DS+PS core theory that you have never seen. You can test whether you like them or not before you enroll.
Additionally, the below is a useful article featured in GMAT Club for your reference. This will be helpful for you. You can see what sort of questions you might encounter on actual GMAT.
· Most Updated Math Trend :
overview-of-gmat-math-question-types-and-patterns-on-the-gmat-211809.htmlAlso, we would like to share the link below.
This is not testimonial but just comments of our students' real voice after they take an exam.
math-revolution-story-224118.htmlYou can also do the same if you study with us!
Come visit our website for further information!
www.mathrevolution.comHappy Studying!
Math Revolution